Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Palm Sunday

Can you believe that this coming Sunday is Passion Sunday? It's hard to believe that Easter is just one week after that. Wow.

Passion Sunday is also called Palm Sunday, because palms are handed out at all of the masses. In the Gospel Reading, we will hear how Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey, and a large crowd of people welcomed him shouting "Hosanna" and throwing palms on the ground in front of him.

Sunday is also called Passion Sunday because the Gospel tells the story of Jesus' arrest, trial and crucifixion. The very same people who shouted "Hosanna" would later be shouting "Crucify Him!"

We call the story of Jesus crucifixion His Passion, because in the original writings, the Greek word pascha was used to say "to suffer." The word passion comes from that same Greek word. So, you could say that to suffer for something is to be really passionate about it. Isn't it great to be reminded that Jesus is so very passionate about us?

One thing I like to do on Palm Sunday is to make a palm cross out of my palm. It's pretty easy and looks really cool. I've posted a link to a video below that shows exactly how to do this.

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